It all begins with passion. Be the voice of the local community and allow your customers to grow the business with you.

Honeysuckle Canberra is a pub located at Denman Prospect in the Molonglo Valley.

When this client came to me with a short brief of the project, he already knew that whatever the logo would become, he wanted it to be translated into a neon signage to be installed at the entryway of the pub. With that in mind, I worked towards creating a hand lettering that could easily be constructed with glass tubes, ensuring that the design would flow naturally all through the signage while also providing versatility over multiple uses such as the shopfront and blade signages in black and white.



To bring a sense of vibrancy and playfulness to the branding and visual appeal of Honeysuckle, I decided to use bold imagery and fun illustrations that convey a sense of youthfulness to the establishment.

For the weekly specials, I designed and illustrated window decals that cover the internal sections of the upper window panels. This not only acts as a reminder to customers dining inside that we have a great line-up of deals, but the decals also assisted with keeping the harsh sunlight controlled during the day.


As the Head of Marketing and sole designer for the client and company, I also managed the social media presence and direction for Honeysuckle. I worked closely with the team on the floor to study and analyse the core target market, as well as the personality and clientele of the locals.

Denman Prospect and its surrounding areas consists of young urban families that appreciate consistency, familiarity and comfort. With that in mind, I designed the voice of Honeysuckle to be very welcoming, casual, and approachable.

In terms of visuals, I minimised cost of marketing by also being the photographer for the establishment. I was the sole photographer for all their events, launches, announcements, and general content. This also includes creating posters, social media tiles, and videos with the images for further engagement.

Over time and in the process of creating content for the business, I grew a strong relationship with the customers and team mates. I engaged with customers - both online and on-site regularly, and made myself accessible to them in any way I could.


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